Follow The Prophet follows Terry Goddard testimony Re: FBI and FLDS.
In July 2008, Terry Goddard appeared before a judiciary committee on Capitol Hill. He is the Attorney General of Arizona, a former Naval commander, Mayor of Phoenix, and a Harvard graduate. His testimony included the following statements: “It’s about protecting women and children from crime, domestic abuse, sexual violence, combating fraud and public corruption, and enforcing civil right laws. The FLDS community has operated outside the rule of law for the past century.”
Mr. Goddard speaks of some kind of federal receivership. I was reminded that when someone in power takes on the issue, it would be handled. There was a time when the teamsters union was so corrupt and breaking so many laws that the FBI took over all day-to-day operations of certain local unions. The FBI answered the phone and administered the business with no corruption. There isn’t an FBI man out there that would not defend a 14 or 15-year old girl from rape by a 60-year old man.
So why hasn’t the FBI taken over administering the business of an organization more corrupt than the Mafia? The FBI took over the administration of a corrupt teamsters union, why not this? These are basic human-rights violations. The FLDS is organized crime. This is doable. Save these children, they need help. Who is going to step up and take them on so we can put an end to it once and for all? I have to ask again who permits this? This obviously crosses party lines; it has been permitted for a hundred years. I think it takes some level of power, money, and high-reaching influence, but who’s influence?
Link to Terry Goddard’s Testimony: